
Ashley's Leap of Faith

Ashley's Leap of Faith

When Ashley found Cope Family Center four years ago, she was only a few months sober, pregnant with her third child, single, and new to Napa. “I didn’t know anyone,” she says.

She was leaning into her recovery. A DUI (she now refers to this as “a blessing in disguise”) led to a stint at in-patient rehab, and a decision to take a year off from work to focus on sobriety. She felt lucky to be able to afford it, but at the same time, she wondered, “How are we going to survive?” As a single mom with “a great job” who had “always worked, always been the provider,” Ashley was used to relying on herself to keep her household going. She had faith, and energy, but she also had moments of fear.

The Tough Love of Co-Parenting: "It's never hard to do the right thing."

The Tough Love of Co-Parenting: "It's never hard to do the right thing."

He’s been through so much legal wrangling over custody issues that he’s rarely surprised by anything he hears from a court-appointed mediator, but a session a few months ago included a new directive: instructions for him and his ex to take the Family Transitions class at Cope. “I just wish I would have learned about this a lot sooner,” he says. “If we hadn’t been ordered by the court to come here, I would have had no clue what this place was, what services it offers.”

"I'm glad I'm here”: Antonio Reaches for Help

"I'm glad I'm here”: Antonio Reaches for Help

Antonio says that a friend suggested he try Cope, but he ignored the idea.  Sergio, his 8-year-old son, is what got Antonio through Cope’s door.  One of his sisters paid him a visit. She said, “You can do what you want, but think about your son.”  And that’s when he realized, “I need somebody to help me get through this. I’m going to do whatever it takes.”

Discovering the Power of Shared Experience

Discovering the Power of Shared Experience

To those around her, Debbie appeared to be Super Mom. She had a successful career as a realtor. She volunteered in her kids’ classrooms, chaperoned field trips, served on 4H committees and volunteered with Napa Little League. She seemed to effortlessly balance the demands of her career and the challenges of being a single mom. But behind closed doors, Debbie struggled to manage it all and would often find herself losing her patience with her three children.