Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month

Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month

The Greater Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council (GBACAPC), comprised of local chapters, have banded together to make a larger impact for Child Abuse Prevention Month. To raise greater awareness, Greater Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council Coalition members created an activity calendar so that family and community partners can register and engage throughout the region.

GBACAPC has listed all of the events, trainings, activities and opportunities to get involved regionally on their website. Find out what you can do in your area to strengthen families and protect children.

Factor de Protección: Conexiones Sociales

Factor de Protección: Conexiones Sociales

Los días de Juego Arcoíris  comenzaron en 2019 a través de un proyecto de First 5 Napa County que buscaba ayudar a nuestres families LGBTQ a sentirse seguras, visibles y conectadas. En los últimos 4 años, las reuniones han crecido para incluir horas de cuentos virtuales (como una forma de mantenerse conectado durante la pandemia de COVID 19), manualidades y desfiles infantiles. Se han expandido más allá de los patios de recreo para reunirse en pistas de boliche y caminatas por los preciados espacios al aire libre de nuestro condado. Son un espacio donde les families LGBTQ y les families aliades pueden construir comunidad.

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Factor de Protección: Resiliencia de los Padres

Factor de Protección:  Resiliencia de los Padres

Puertas Abiertas cree que todo adulto y padre tiene derecho a recibir servicios que fortalezcan las habilidades emocionales para funcionar mejor en diferentes áreas de su vida, satisfacer las necesidades básicas y crear un entorno saludable para un niño. Por esta razón, ofrecemos a nuestra comunidad latina el programa “La Cultura Cura”, que ha sido diseñado para fomentar el crecimiento y desarrollo personal, la fortaleza y la resiliencia.

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April 2023 Proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month in Napa County

April 2023 Proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month in Napa County

Cope Family Center and the Napa County Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) announced that April 2023 has been proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month by the Napa County Board of Supervisors. The proclamation highlights the role the community plays in supporting Napa County families and preventing child abuse and neglect.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Here's why that matters.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Here's why that matters.

Every child deserves a healthy and happy childhood, which is why every April, The Child Abuse Prevention Council, led by Cope Family Center, commemorates Blue Ribbon Month by raising awareness and funds to prevent child abuse and neglect.

From our work over the past 50 years, we know that even the most well-intentioned parents struggle to provide a safe and nurturing home for their children. It is important that, as a community, we increase our awareness and understanding of child maltreatment, so we can work together to keep children safe and create brighter futures for Napa’s children and families.

Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month

Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month

The Greater Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council (GBACAPC), comprised of local chapters, have banded together to make a larger impact for Child Abuse Prevention Month. The new normal of virtual events and meeting through screens has made it possible for smaller communities to reach the wider region to engage people in joining this important cause.

GBACAPC has listed all of the events, trainings, activities and opportunities to get involved regionally on their website. Find out what you can do in your area to strengthen families and protect children.

Factor de Protección: Cariño y Vínculos

Factor de Protección: Cariño y Vínculos

Aunque todas las familias son vulnerables debido al estrés de ser padres y por tener que cuidar de sus hijos, algunas familias son más vulnerables que otras. La inestabilidad financiera y la pobreza pueden provocar altos niveles de estrés y trauma, lo cual puede interferir con la habilidad de los padres y cuidadores de formar vínculos de conexión y seguridad con los niños.

¿Por qué son importantes los vínculos de seguridad?

Las conexiones sólidas y los vínculos con los padres y los cuidadores son de suma importancia para el desarrollo general de los niños y su bienestar, ya que son fundamentales para las relaciones futuras de los niños y su éxito en la vida. Las conexiones sólidas ayudan al desarrollo de seguridad emocional, al desarrollo cognitivo, y a las destrezas sociales.

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Factor de Protección: Capacidad Social y Emocional de los Niños

Factor de Protección: Capacidad Social y Emocional de los Niños

Me encontré con un meme que decía: "La peor parte de crecer es que ya nadie pregunta cuál es tu dinosaurio favorito". Si bien me hizo reír, también me recordó que listos están los niños pequeños para compartir sobre sí mismos y aprender sobre los demás. Aprender unos de otros apoya el desarrollo social y emocional de un niño y los estudios muestran que desarrollar estas habilidades hace una gran diferencia en la vida de los niños.

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Factor de Protección: Conocimiento sobre la Crianza y el Desarrollo Infantil

Factor de Protección: Conocimiento sobre la Crianza y el Desarrollo Infantil

Los niños no vienen con manual de instrucciones. Puede ser difícil, incluso abrumador a veces, saber cómo manejar el comportamiento de nuestros hijos. A menudo, nuestro estilo de crianza está influenciado por nuestras propias experiencias infantiles; criamos a nuestros hijos de la manera en que fuimos criados. Algunos de estos hábitos pueden ser beneficiosos, mientras que otros pueden ser menos efectivos, incluso dañinos.

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Poverty Hits Children the Hardest

Poverty Hits Children the Hardest

Poverty is a significant stressor as families struggle to meet their most basic needs. Children who face economic hardship when they are young, and for a prolonged period, are at greatest risk for poor outcomes as they grow into adulthood.  Local families have been further stressed in recent years by compounding disasters, high cost of living, and increased rates of unemployment.

Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month

Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month

The Greater Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council (GBACAPC), comprised of local chapters, have banded together to make a larger impact for Child Abuse Prevention Month. The new normal of virtual events and meeting through screens has made it possible for smaller communities to reach the wider region to engage people in joining this important cause.

GBACAPC has listed all of the events, trainings, activities and opportunities to get involved regionally on their website. Find out what you can do in your area to strengthen families and protect children.

Gender-affirming care for transgender children is not child abuse.

Gender-affirming care for transgender children is not child abuse.

Simply stated, gender-affirming care for transgender children is not child abuse. It is, in fact, a demonstration of love and acceptance… Equating gender affirming care with child abuse is a direct assault on the purpose of child protection laws and diverts child protection resources from legitimate reports of suspected child abuse, thereby endangering children.

Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month

Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month

The Greater Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council (GBACAPC), comprised of local chapters, have banded together to make a larger impact for Child Abuse Prevention Month. The new normal of virtual events and meeting through screens has made it possible for smaller communities to reach the wider region to engage people in joining this important cause.

GBACAPC has listed all of the events, trainings, activities and opportunities to get involved regionally on their website. Find out what you can do in your area to strengthen families and protect children.

Community Art Exhibit in Honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month

Community Art Exhibit in Honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month

Building community connection is the goal of the Tree of Life project. “After a traumatic year of stress, isolation, fear and loss, this project will provide important social connections through art to inspire hope and healing by drawing upon the themes and spirit of spring: renewal, hope, healing, vitality and new beginnings,” said Jamie Graff, Executive Director of Nimbus Arts.

Napa County Child Abuse Prevention Council: 314 Verified Child Abuse Cases in 2017 (Napa Register)

Napa County Child Abuse Prevention Council: 314 Verified Child Abuse Cases in 2017 (Napa Register)

Children’s advocates are urging community leaders to tackle such issues as affordable housing and a living wage as ways to help curb child abuse and neglect. The county last year had 314 verified child abuse cases, according to the Napa County Child Abuse Prevention Council. Last week, the group presented its annual “Report on Children” to the Napa County Board of Supervisors.