Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month — Cope Family Center

Bay Area CAPC Chapters Band Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month

bay area capc chapters band together for child abuse prevention month

The Greater Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council (GBACAPC), comprised of local chapters, have banded together to make a larger impact for Child Abuse Prevention Month.

To raise greater awareness, Greater Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council Coalition members created an activity calendar so that family and community partners can register and engage throughout the region. Help us protect children and families by educating yourself and sharing what you learn with others. Wear a blue ribbon or plant pinwheels in your yard to show your commitment to keeping children safe. Together we can make it easier for families to access support services and learn how to identify and build on family strengths.

GBACAPC has listed all of the events, trainings, activities and opportunities to get involved regionally on their website.

Napa Valley CAPC is led by Cope Family Center and coordinates efforts with GBACAPC. To find out more about what is happening locally in Napa Valley, go to