Fun in the Sun at Kids Day

Fun in the Sun at Kids Day

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Kids Day last month and helped make it a fun-filled event! We are grateful for the many families who attended and the community partners who participated, our dedicated volunteers, the event performers, food vendors, and DJ, and our sponsors the Office of Child Abuse Prevention and City of Napa for helping make this event possible.

This year, around 300 children, parents, and caregivers joined us for a day filled with food, entertainment, music, and resources for parents. Performances included traditional folklórico dance and Zumba from our very own Family Engagement Program Manager, Eduardo!

The sunny day was filled with lots of resources for parents from Cope and community agencies, and plenty of fun for kids, including coloring, bubbles, blocks, water activities, and raffle prizes. Kids could also stop by the Napa Fire Department booth for CPR tutorials and sit in the driver's seat of a Napa Police Department patrol car!

At the Cope booth, our Family Support Specialists did Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQs) with families. With the help of staff, parents filled out an ASQ to see how their child is performing in areas like communication, social development, and motor skills. This is one useful way for parents to see how their child is developing. 

We can’t wait to see you at Kids Day next year for more family fun! Scroll through some snapshots of the day below.