
“I am making these changes for my children”: A Mother’s Love and Resilience

“I am making these changes for my children”: A Mother’s Love and Resilience

As a mother of five children under the age of fourteen, Iris’s peaceful manner is notable. When we meet with Iris and Anahi, her former Family Support Specialist, Iris is composed and put together. Small silver earrings dangle from her ears, and she wears a swath of berry lipstick. Her composure exudes self-confidence and self-knowledge.

But before Iris came to Cope, her confidence was on shakier ground. Iris first learned of Cope through a flyer at a health fair when she was a young mother caring for her children while their father worked to provide for the family. Iris had three daughters at the time, and although she was managing, she knew she needed support. It was with her youngest, at one years old, that Iris entered Cope’s Parents as Teachers Home Visiting Program.